The Mico University
College e-Campus
Click below to log in using your Mico email address and password
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Ensure that you have your Mico email. No personal emails are
Your Mico email is generated by your Aeorion account located under "My Info" (eg. johndoe@stu.themico.edu.jm.) Use this email account and password to access the e-Campus.
Please visit The E-Learning lab if your email is not activated.
Your Mico email is generated by your Aeorion account located under "My Info" (eg. johndoe@stu.themico.edu.jm.) Use this email account and password to access the e-Campus.
Please visit The E-Learning lab if your email is not activated.
- Contact us here if you have any queries:
- Telephone: +1 (876) 855-8010
- Email: jerron.latham@themico.edu.jm
- Or just visit the Technology Lab beside the music room.
Have a great day!!!!
- Telephone: +1 (876) 855-8010
Is this your first time here?
To log in, please follow these steps:
- Ensure that you have your Mico email. No personal emails are allowed! Your Mico email is generated by your aeorion account located
under "My Info" (eg. johndoe@stu.themico.edu.jm.) Please visit The E-Learning lab to activate this email. - Click SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE. You will then be prompted to enter a gmail account to sign in. Enter your Mico student email and password.
- For first time users a page will appear requesting use of your email info, click allow to continue.
- Contact us here if you have any queries:
- Telephone: +1 (876) 855-8010
- Email: jerron.latham@themico.edu.jm
- Or just visit the Technology Lab beside the music room. Have a great day!!!!
- Telephone: +1 (876) 855-8010